预测性编码提供了对皮质功能的潜在统一说明 - 假设大脑的核心功能是最小化有关世界生成模型的预测错误。该理论与贝叶斯大脑框架密切相关,在过去的二十年中,在理论和认知神经科学领域都产生了重大影响。基于经验测试的预测编码的改进和扩展的理论和数学模型,以及评估其在大脑中实施的潜在生物学合理性以及该理论所做的具体神经生理学和心理学预测。尽管存在这种持久的知名度,但仍未对预测编码理论,尤其是该领域的最新发展进行全面回顾。在这里,我们提供了核心数学结构和预测编码的逻辑的全面综述,从而补充了文献中最新的教程。我们还回顾了该框架中的各种经典和最新工作,从可以实施预测性编码的神经生物学现实的微电路到预测性编码和广泛使用的错误算法的重新传播之间的紧密关系,以及对近距离的调查。预测性编码和现代机器学习技术之间的关系。
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探索开发权衡是在从机器学习,生物学到经济学的田地中的自适应行为描述的核心。虽然已经采取了许多方法,但解决了这笔权衡的一种方法已经装备或建议代理商拥有内在的“探索性驱动”,其经常在最大化关于世界的代理信息增益方面实施 - 一种方法 - 这一方法已广泛研究机器学习和认知科学。在本文中,我们在数学上调查这种方法的性质和意义,并证明了这种效用最大化和信息寻求行为的组合产生了我们称之为偏见目标的完全差异目标的最小化。我们提出了在\ EMPH {证据}目标之间的自适应行为潜在的目标职能的二分法,这与文献中的知名奖励或效用最大化目标最大化,而不是寻求最小化差异的目标代理人的预期和期望的期货,并争辩说,这一新的分歧目标可以为对自适应和智能行动的探索性成分进行更加丰富的理解,以超越简单的贪婪效用最大化。
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Deep learning techniques with neural networks have been used effectively in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to obtain solutions to nonlinear differential equations. This paper presents a physics-informed neural network (PINN) approach to solve the Blasius function. This method eliminates the process of changing the non-linear differential equation to an initial value problem. Also, it tackles the convergence issue arising in the conventional series solution. It is seen that this method produces results that are at par with the numerical and conventional methods. The solution is extended to the negative axis to show that PINNs capture the singularity of the function at $\eta=-5.69$
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Recently, deep networks have shown impressive performance for the segmentation of cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images. However, their achievement is proving slow to transition to widespread use in medical clinics because of robustness issues leading to low trust of clinicians to their results. Predicting run-time quality of segmentation masks can be useful to warn clinicians against poor results. Despite its importance, there are few studies on this problem. To address this gap, we propose a quality control method based on the agreement across decoders of a multi-view network, TMS-Net, measured by the cosine similarity. The network takes three view inputs resliced from the same 3D image along different axes. Different from previous multi-view networks, TMS-Net has a single encoder and three decoders, leading to better noise robustness, segmentation performance and run-time quality estimation in our experiments on the segmentation of the left atrium on STACOM 2013 and STACOM 2018 challenge datasets. We also present a way to generate poor segmentation masks by using noisy images generated with engineered noise and Rician noise to simulate undertraining, high anisotropy and poor imaging settings problems. Our run-time quality estimation method show a good classification of poor and good quality segmentation masks with an AUC reaching to 0.97 on STACOM 2018. We believe that TMS-Net and our run-time quality estimation method has a high potential to increase the thrust of clinicians to automatic image analysis tools.
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Many business workflows require extracting important fields from form-like documents (e.g. bank statements, bills of lading, purchase orders, etc.). Recent techniques for automating this task work well only when trained with large datasets. In this work we propose a novel data augmentation technique to improve performance when training data is scarce, e.g. 10-250 documents. Our technique, which we call FieldSwap, works by swapping out the key phrases of a source field with the key phrases of a target field to generate new synthetic examples of the target field for use in training. We demonstrate that this approach can yield 1-7 F1 point improvements in extraction performance.
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Speech systems are sensitive to accent variations. This is especially challenging in the Indian context, with an abundance of languages but a dearth of linguistic studies characterising pronunciation variations. The growing number of L2 English speakers in India reinforces the need to study accents and L1-L2 interactions. We investigate the accents of Indian English (IE) speakers and report in detail our observations, both specific and common to all regions. In particular, we observe the phonemic variations and phonotactics occurring in the speakers' native languages and apply this to their English pronunciations. We demonstrate the influence of 18 Indian languages on IE by comparing the native language pronunciations with IE pronunciations obtained jointly from existing literature studies and phonetically annotated speech of 80 speakers. Consequently, we are able to validate the intuitions of Indian language influences on IE pronunciations by justifying pronunciation rules from the perspective of Indian language phonology. We obtain a comprehensive description in terms of universal and region-specific characteristics of IE, which facilitates accent conversion and adaptation of existing ASR and TTS systems to different Indian accents.
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Developing and least developed countries face the dire challenge of ensuring that each child in their country receives required doses of vaccination, adequate nutrition and proper medication. International agencies such as UNICEF, WHO and WFP, among other organizations, strive to find innovative solutions to determine which child has received the benefits and which have not. Biometric recognition systems have been sought out to help solve this problem. To that end, this report establishes a baseline accuracy of a commercial contactless palmprint recognition system that may be deployed for recognizing children in the age group of one to five years old. On a database of contactless palmprint images of one thousand unique palms from 500 children, we establish SOTA authentication accuracy of 90.85% @ FAR of 0.01%, rank-1 identification accuracy of 99.0% (closed set), and FPIR=0.01 @ FNIR=0.3 for open-set identification using PalmMobile SDK from Armatura.
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In this paper, we study the effect of a novel regularization scheme on contrastive language-image pre-trained (CLIP) models. Our approach is based on the observation that, in many domains, text tokens should only describe a small number of image regions and, likewise, each image region should correspond to only a few text tokens. In CLIP-style models, this implies that text-token embeddings should have high similarity to only a small number of image-patch embeddings for a given image-text pair. We formalize this observation using a novel regularization scheme that penalizes the entropy of the text-token to image-patch similarity scores. We qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate that the proposed regularization scheme shrinks the text-token and image-patch similarity scores towards zero, thus achieving the desired effect. We demonstrate the promise of our approach in an important medical context where this underlying hypothesis naturally arises. Using our proposed approach, we achieve state of the art (SOTA) zero-shot performance on all tasks from the CheXpert chest x-ray dataset, outperforming an unregularized version of the model and several recently published self-supervised models.
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Image-text multimodal representation learning aligns data across modalities and enables important medical applications, e.g., image classification, visual grounding, and cross-modal retrieval. In this work, we establish a connection between multimodal representation learning and multiple instance learning. Based on this connection, we propose a generic framework for constructing permutation-invariant score functions with many existing multimodal representation learning approaches as special cases. Furthermore, we use the framework to derive a novel contrastive learning approach and demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results on a number of downstream tasks.
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Accomplishing safe and efficient driving is one of the predominant challenges in the controller design of connected automated vehicles (CAVs). It is often more convenient to address these goals separately and integrate the resulting controllers. In this study, we propose a controller integration scheme to fuse performance-based controllers and safety-oriented controllers safely for the longitudinal motion of a CAV. The resulting structure is compatible with a large class of controllers, and offers flexibility to design each controller individually without affecting the performance of the others. We implement the proposed safe integration scheme on a connected automated truck using an optimal-in-energy controller and a safety-oriented connected cruise controller. We validate the premise of the safe integration through experiments with a full-scale truck in two scenarios: a controlled experiment on a test track and a real-world experiment on a public highway. In both scenarios, we achieve energy efficient driving without violating safety.
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